Tuesday, October 19, 2010

perfect happiness

perfect happiness
never lasts.

a bubble
of frothing mirth –
you follow it
with rainbows in your eyes,
balance it
on the tender tip
of your finger –

you cherish it
for the one long moment
before it bursts.
(what’s so precious
about plastic bubbles?)

in the dim alcove
of a small bookstore,
his lips brushed my cheek
and the years sloughed off my heart –
like a teenager
in the first spring of love,
I thrilled
in perfect happiness.   


  1. his lips brushed my cheek
    and the years sloughed off my heart –
    like a teenager
    in the first spring of love,

    No words man ... you etch them in eternity by your words....

  2. I agree with the above comment...
